
3 friends and 1 mother were heading down to the christmas markets in Innsbruck. The two semi knowledgable german ish people were explaining to the mother about taxation in Germany. Two great examples

  • Kirchensteuer – Church Tax
  • Luftsteuer – An Object Tax when an object you hang outside your property extends into public space (i.e. a sign over a pavement or a cigarette vending machine)

The drive continues and we notice that we cant see the mountains.
oh – you mean someone forgot to pay their mountain view tax? hence the phrase – bergblicksteuer was started in our group.

Living in Munich – its not hard to see some mountains – but the weather doesnt always play ball you forgotten to pay your bergblicksteuer.

Instagram has a small growing collection of photos tagged with #bergblicksteuer

instagram #bergblicksteuer screenshot
instagram #bergblicksteuer screenshot

the same procedure as every year…

over christmas, I caught myself replying to a british friend with the comment “the same procedure as every year”. Funnily enough the comment was lost on him, but a german would have known straight away and replied “the same procedure as every year miss sophie”.

Dinner For One was a British comedy sketch in an end of the pier show, which somehow found its way onto German TV every new year. Its now a tradition, a very big tradition. Its shown multiple times on the 31st and has been recoloured as well.

Older brits will know the name of Freddy Frinton who plays the butler, but very few have actually heard of the sketch – much to amazement of most germans.

Happy new year!