The bain of main life are musical notes in base clef. At a slow speed I can read and play it, but at high speed – nah. It never quite works out well enough. Previously to convert the notes – I had used to a *cough* dodgy *cough* version of a windows based notation program and a licensed version of PhotoScore from Neuratron.
Since I dont have a windows VM any more on my mac it was time to look for alternatives. This time I tried the open source software MuseScore. I scanned my notes with PhotoScore, saved into XML and imported. A few clicks later and some tidyup and I had the treble clef notes I wanted.
It took a few attempts to get the MuseScore installer downloaded due to some ftp disconnects – but have the patience and give it a go.
![By Etsnyman (Screenshot) [CC0 or GPL (], via Wikimedia Commons](